
9am - 10:30

Understanding and Responding to Data in a Culturally Responsive Manner “to support Continuous Improvement.

Dr. Richard Milner

10:40 -12:10

Breakout Sessions
Why Culturally Responsive Leadership is necessary for All Students

Dr. Kristopher Childs

Educational Leaders and the (Im)Possible: Equity, diversity, and the role of educators as agents of change

Dr. Terry Flennaugh

Detracking Our Way to Equity and Excellence

Eric Toshalis

How can universal design be used to enact culturally responsive instruction?

Dr. Shaunta Singer

12:20 - 1:50

Lunch Keynote
Leading to Liberate- What teachers need from leadership in order to enact culturally responsive pedagogy?

Dr. Christopher Emdin

2:00 - 3:30pm

Breakout Sessions
Why Culturally Responsive Leadership is necessary for All Students

Dr. Kristopher Childs

Educational Leaders and the (Im)Possible: Equity, diversity, and the role of educators as agents of change

Dr. Terry Flennaugh

Reality Pedagogy and the Rights of the Body

Dr. Christopher Emdin

(How) Can Teaching Advance Children's Positive Identities In and Through Mathematics?

Dr. Deborah Lowenberg Ball

Darrius Robinson

9:00 - 10:30

Opening Session
Why & How is Culturally Responsive Instruction necessary for all learners and leaders?

Dr. Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz

10:45 - 12:00

Leading to Liberate: What does it mean to be a culturally responsive leader?

Dr. Christopher Emdin

12:15 - 1:40

Breakout Sessions
Educational Leaders and the (Im)Possible: Equity, diversity, and the role of educators as agents of change

Dr. Richard Milner

Equitable practices in a mathematics Classroom

Dr. Kristopher Childs

1:45 - 3:00

How Leaders Can Transform the Educational Experience for All Children

Dr. Bettina Love

3:15 - 4:45

Breakout Sessions
Cultivating Mathematical Hearts: Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching”, in which we focus on building student’s mathematics identities through CRMT

Dr. Julia Aguirra

Dr. Maria Zavala

Changing Minds: Myths and Truths about (Mis)Behaving Learners

Dr. Terry Flennaugh